The following are brief details of registered planning applications in our area for the forthcoming week. They can be viewed in full, along with all other district applications on the D.D.C. Planning Portal on this link.
22/01381 7-8 Eastbrook Place St Marys Residential Home Maison Dieu Road
Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission DOV/19/01364 (Change of use of St Marys Residential home from care home (C2) to residential (C3) to create 18 residential units, (6 maisonettes, 7 flats, 3 town houses, and 2 cottages (conversion of existing buildings) and for the erection of 2 cottages at rear (total 20 units), landscaping, re-provision of parking and turning area, external alterations and other associated works) (S73) to allow reduction in number of residential units, alterations to internal layout and configuration of flats and maisonettes to create 17 residential units (5 maisonettes, 7 flats, 3 town houses, 2 cottages) and 1 building management unit (conversion of existing buildings), retention of external fire escape, omission of erection of 2 cottages at rear, relocation of refuse and cycle storage and discharge of condition 19 (sound insultation) (amended details)
22/01380 7-8 Eastbrook Place St Marys Residential Home Maison Dieu Road
Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of Listed Building Consent DOV/19/01365 (Internal & external alterations to facilitate the change of use to 18 residential units (6 maisonettes, 7 flats, 3 townhouses and 2 cottages (conversion of existing outbuildings), including removal of external fire escape stair, balconies & canopy. Internal demolition of modern partitions, erection of new internal partitions to facilitate subdivision, vertical sub-division to facilitate 3 townhouse and 6 maisonettes, insertion of new staircases, 2no. entrance doors, dropping of 1no. window cil to create door to provide access to roof terrace. Replace 3no door openings with windows to South West elevation. Replace window with door & door with window on South East elevation) (S73) to allow internal alterations, including alterations to the layout and configuration of proposed maisonettes and flats to facilitate change of use to 17 residential units (5 maisonettes, 7 flats, 3 town houses, 2 cottages) and 1 building management unit (conversion of existing buildings), retention of external fire escape and relocation of refuse and cycle store (amended details)
24/00287 13 Victoria Park
Install 5no gas pipes & meter boxes to external front elevation and side basement courtyard.
24/00181 The Beacon Project Bench Street
Full application for the erection of an up to four storeys in height building for uses including education, offices, studio, gallery and cafe (Use Classes E(g)(i), E(b) and F1)
24/00261 1 Westbury House, Flat 7 Westbury Road
Erection of a single-storey rear extension
24/00139 Merrydown Station Road Martin Mill
Change of use of land for the siting of 1 glamping pod with access and parking
24/00021 24/00021 86 Canterbury Road
Erection of a ground floor rear extension, front porch/canopy, first floor roof extension, alterations to windows/doors, raised rear patio with glass balustrade and driveway extension for additional parking (existing rear conservatory to be demolished)
24/00052 4 Hope Court High Street St Margarets At Cliffe
Replacement windows and back door
24/00291 Dover Service Area Sandwich Road Whitfield
Display of a internally illuminated digital sign (retrospective)
24/00312 45 Singledge Lane
Erection of single storey side/front extension (existing garage to be demolished)